【同义词辨析】 2020-06-16 幻想imaginary-quixotic

imaginary: applies to something which is fictitious and purely the product of one's imagination: a chronic sufferer of several ~ illnesses.     (fiction小说literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people虚构想象的事,如he has written over 20 works of fiction他已经写了二十多部小说,如her story was wholly fictitious她的故事纯属虚构,谚语fact/truth is stranger than fiction事实比小说还离奇,如a fictitious price价/fictitious transactions买空卖空/a fictitious person人)   如an imaginary enemy/friend/number/characters假想敌/想象的朋友/数/虚构的人物

fanciful: suggests something affected or created by the free play of the imagination: the ~ characters created by Lewis Carroll.   如a fanciful story about a pot of gold关于一罐金子的虚无缥缈的故事,如a fanciful idea虚幻的想法

visionary: applies to something that seems real and practical to its conceiver but is impractical or incapable of realization: ~ schemes for creating a rural utopia.

fantastic: implies fanciful incredibility or strangeness beyond belief: a ~ world inhabited by prehistoric monsters.   可见是在fanciful基础上增加"难以相信"      在口语中表示极好惊人难以置信,如your support has been fantastic您的支持真是作用非凡,如the prices were fantastic, far higher than elsewhere这里价格惊人,比别处高得多

chimerical: applies to what is wildly or fantastically visionary or improbable: ~ plans for restoring the British Empire.     chimera是希神神话吐火女怪凯米拉,由几种动物的各部分构成的假想怪兽,狮头羊身蛇尾,用来指不可能实现的幻想妄想,荒诞不经。还表示嫁接杂种,如the sheeplike goat chimera似绵羊的杂交山羊

quixotic: implies a devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained by ordinary prudence or common sense: the ~ notion that absolute equality is attainable.   Don Quixote堂吉诃德 [dɔnˈkwiksət],是塞万提斯传奇故事中的主人公,充满浪漫的幻想和天真的不现实的理想主义is the hero of a romance by Cervantes, a satirical account of chivalric beliefs and conduct, he is typified by a romantic vision and naive, unworldly idealism故事发生时,骑士早已绝迹一个多世纪,但他却沉迷于骑士小说,幻想自己是个中世纪骑士,"行侠仗义"、游走天下,作出了种种与时代相悖、令人匪夷所思的行径,结果四处碰壁。      romantic浪漫,表示对现实的理想化的看法idealized view of reality,如some romantic dream of country peace对国家和平的浪漫幻想,如a romantic attitude to the past对过去所持的一种浪漫态度。romantic最常用的意思是爱情相关

imaginary想象: 指虚构想象,fanciful爱幻想的: 指空想臆造又虚无飘渺,visionary设想不切实际的: 指设想不实际可行,而非设想的人所认为 ,fantastic难以置信: 在fanciful基础上增加难以置信(beyond belief),chimerical荒诞不经,凯米拉式的: 指荒诞的想象,绝不现实,quixotic浪漫理想,堂吉诃德式的:表示充满浪漫理想,但理智常识有所欠缺

记忆方法: 1)首字母IFVFCQ想成FIVE CQ5个彩球(第2个F想象成E)<==想象

        2)幻想的意思是不真实不可信mean unreal or unbelievable.